It’s always a good time of year to visit Selby Gardens, but come spring, there is definitely an increase in the number of schools planning field trips to our grounds.
School programs at Selby Gardens can be designed for all ages of students, from Kindergarten through high school seniors. The subjects range from the basics (Look at those leaves!) to the more detailed (soil analysis) and everything in between. Tours can be self-guided, or led by experienced staff and volunteers.
This past fall a customized field trip was created for a group of Sarasota area fifth graders thanks to a special collaboration between the Gardens and Ringling College of Art and Design through the YEA (Youth Experiencing Art) Arts program. An overview of the program is shared on the blog of The Patterson Foundation, which promotes partnerships in the community.Â
Marie Selby Botanical Gardens is proud to participate in was created in partnership with the Sarasota County Schools, the Arts and Cultural Alliance of Sarasota County, the Science and Environment Council of Sarasota County, and the Patterson Foundation. Selby Gardens’ school programs are made possible by a generous contribution from the Koski Family Foundation. Additional support for serving Title One schools is provided by the Patricia Rederer Memorial Fund as well as the Rhoda S. Safer Memorial Fund. The Division of Cultural Affairs likewise provides funding for school programs.