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What’s in Bloom: Resurrection Fern – December

Pleopeltis polypodioides (Polypodiaceae) Resurrection fern (Polypody family) Origin: Subtropical Americas, including the SE United States; Africa Florida is home to dozens of species of epiphytic plants, mostly orchids, bromeliads, and ferns. The most common epiphytic...

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Belize: Notes from the Field

Belize: Notes from the Field

In May, four team members representing Marie Selby Botanical Gardens returned to Belize as part of an ongoing collaboration with Caves Branch Botanical Garden there. The scientific purpose is to conduct botanical inventories and explore a remote and wild geographic...

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Expedition Belize: Bladen Nature Reserve

Expedition Belize: Bladen Nature Reserve

On May 7, a team from Selby Gardens (Bruce Holst, expedition leader, Angel Lara, live plants, Dan Perales, photography and videography, and Kelvin Cooper, expedition assistant) arrived at Caves Branch Botanical Garden in Belize for their fourth trip to survey...

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Selby Gardens Comet Orchid In Bloom – January

Selby Gardens Comet Orchid In Bloom – January

Scientific Name: Angraecum sesquipedale Common Name: comet orchid Family: Orchidaceae Origin: Madagascar Prominently on display in the tropical Conservatory at Selby Gardens’ is the magnificent Angraecum sesquipedale.  This dramatic Angraecum is not only a beautiful...

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Belize ExpeditionSelby’s Living Collection

Belize Expedition
Selby’s Living Collection

If you’re looking to immerse yourself in the wonder of nature, a botanical garden may be just what you’re looking for. Vibrant paths of beautiful green foliage and exotic flowers will have you feeling as though you are walking through a tropical...

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Cultivating International Partners for Mutual Benefit

Cultivating International Partners for Mutual Benefit

Unlike artwork in a museum, the Selby Gardens’ collec­tions are made up of living plants (unless they are part of our spirit or herbarium collections) that require care and maintenance for healthy growth and development. Despite best efforts, nothing lives...

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Bamboo: a Beautiful Grass that Thinks It’s a Tree

Bamboo: a Beautiful Grass that Thinks It’s a Tree

Bamboo is one of nature’s most interesting plants.  Although it looks like a tree, Bamboo is actually a perennial evergreen in the grass family.  There are over a thousand different species in the world, with a tremendous diversity of sizes, growth habits, and...

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Epiphytic Plants of Belize

Epiphytic Plants of Belize

Selby Botanical Gardens, the Botanic Garden at Ian Anderson's Caves Branch Lodge, and the Environmental Research Institute joined efforts in late April / early May, 2014 to conduct an inventory of the epiphytic plants of Belize. Two weeks of collecting yielded 200+...

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