Marie Selby Botanical Garden Logo


“O Bromeliad Tree, O Bromeliad Tree…”

“O Bromeliad Tree, O Bromeliad Tree…”

Each year the rising of the Bromeliad Tree at Selby Gardens marks the start of the holidays in Sarasota. The pattern of the lights and the plants used changes year-to-year, but always present is the excitement the tree brings to the Sarasota Bayfront. Here are a few...

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Selby House Cafe Update

Selby House Cafe Update

On August 11, in recognition of Marie Selby’s 130th birthday and in celebration of Selby Gardens' 40th Anniversary, the Selby House Café has received a makeover and a new permanent exhibit dedicated to Marie. William and Marie moved permanently to Sarasota in 1921 and...

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Temporary Closings

Temporary Closings

The Garden Shop will be closed Monday, July 13, and the Tropical Conservatory will be closed Monday, July 13 through Friday, July 24. We apologize for any inconvenience!

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Living Shorelines

Living Shorelines

Please visit our entry on the Gulf Coast Innovation Challenge Site to learn about Selby Gardens’ Living Shorelines project, one of 31 local projects vying for a $375,000 prize in the Gulf Coast Community Foundation Innovation Challenge. We believe that if this project...

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The Oriole Bird Visits Selby Gardens

The Oriole Bird Visits Selby Gardens

The Baltimore Orioles’ mascot and David Rovine, vice president of Orioles-Sarasota received a VIP tour from Selby Gardens President and CEO Jennifer Rominiecki. This marked the beginning of a great community partnership, since the Orioles selected Selby Gardens for...

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