Written by Shawn McCourt, Ph.D. Plant Records Keeper On the west side of the Great Lawn that stretches southwards from the historic Selby House at MSBG’s downtown campus is a beautiful, golden-flowered small tree that is often overlooked by visitors until the winter...
Gardens Blog
Marie Selby Botanical Gardens
Gardens Blog
Archaeology and Artifact Scatter
When archaeologists are conducting a surface survey of an area they may discover artifacts on the surface, the location of these artifacts are recorded and are indicators of the use and human presence of that site. The artifacts that occur on the surface may be...
Botanical Spotlight: Holiday Ingredients – December
As we prepare our favorite holiday cookies and baked goods, you may be wondering where these popular ingredients originate from. Well, on your next visit to Selby Gardens’ Downtown Sarasota campus, you will not have to look extremely far, as many of the common holiday...
Botanical Spotlight: Holly – December
This week, we continue our investigation of plants that have become culturally important during the winter holiday season. Previously, we looked at mistletoe and its significance both to humans and to the natural environment in which it is found. In this post, we will...
Archaeology Spotlight: Lightning Whelks
Lightning Whelks may be found along the Atlantic Coast and Gulf Coast ranging from Texas to North Carolina. They are unique in that they are left-handed, or sinistral, meaning they spiral counterclockwise. For early coastal inhabitants, the Lightning Whelk provided an...
Botanical Spotlight: Mistletoe – November
Mistletoe has had a variety of meanings and uses throughout many different times and cultures, including the current holiday tradition of kissing under the mistletoe. Last year, one of Selby Gardens’ staff members found mistletoe plants growing high in a laurel oak...
The CARES Act Encourages Charitable Contributions in 2020
By Diana L. Berlin & Colton F. Castro, Williams Parker Attorneys at Law The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”) provides various tax benefits to both individuals and corporations, including an increase in allowable charitable...
What’s in Bloom – Bougainvillea – November
Bougainvillea are familiar to us as common thorny shrubs, vines, or trees bearing colorful papery “flowers” which are in fact modified leaves or bracts enclosing three simple waxy true flowers that are normally white or off-white in color. They are members of the...
November Blooms at Selby Gardens
Autumn is usually considered a time of falling leaves, not blooming trees; however, in warm places like Sarasota, several cultivated tree species come into spectacular bloom only in October and November. Among the showiest of these is Colville’s Glory (Colvillea...
Our Favorite Annual Plants
New colors and plants are blossoming at the Selby Gardens' Downtown Sarasota campus! Our gardens horticulturists have just updated the annual plantings throughout the Gardens and are delighted to share their favorites, as well as some care tips for your own...