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Gardens Blog

November Blooms at Selby Gardens

Autumn is usually considered a time of falling leaves, not blooming trees; however, in warm places like Sarasota, several cultivated tree species come into spectacular bloom only in October and November. Among the showiest of these is Colville’s Glory (Colvillea...

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Our Favorite Annual Plants

New colors and plants are blossoming at the Selby Gardens' Downtown Sarasota campus! Our gardens horticulturists have just updated the annual plantings throughout the Gardens and are delighted to share their favorites, as well as some care tips for your own...

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Faces of Selby Garden Horticulture Team

Faces of Selby Garden Horticulture Team

Since Covid 19 shut down Selby gardens on March 17 you can rest assured that the Horticulture staff are still on site, hard at work caring for both our gardens and greenhouse collections.  The Gardens staff have been busy with spring pruning, planting of seasonal...

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May EcoFlora EcoQuest Challenge

  May EcoQuest Challenge As part of the EcoFlora Project, we are including fun monthly "Challenges" to enlist citizens in documenting plants in our area. May’s challenge is the Tilly Tally. Tillandsias (fondly called “tillys” here or, often, “air plants”) are in...

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Selby Gardens’ Jade Vine is Pregnant!

Selby Gardens’ Jade Vine is Pregnant!

The stunning jade vine (Strongylodon macrobotrys; family Fabaceae) in Selby Gardens’ Tropical Conservatory is developing a seed pod for the first time. The reason, greenhouse horticulturist Addie Worth provided pollination assistance! Without some help, jade vines...

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Selby Gardens’ Plant Hunt in Your Own Backyard!

Take your quarantine outdoors for a nature exploration!  The Selby Gardens education team is now offering tools and scavenger hunts to help keep your family's minds and bodies working. Start with the Selby Gardens' plant hunt in your own backyard. This is the perfect...

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Salvador Dalí’s “Gardens of the Mind”

Salvador Dalí’s “Gardens of the Mind”

Curator-at Large, Dr. Carol Ockman ROBERT STERLING CLARK PROFESSOR OF ART HISTORY EMERITA, WILLIAMS COLLEGE Behind the intriguing, and equally disturbing, soft watches, abstracted heads with noses balanced on the ground, clusters of ants, grimacing lions’ heads,...

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Bromeliad Tree Sale

Bromeliad Tree Sale

Bromeliads play a big role at Selby Gardens, and they are literally in the spotlight at Lights in Bloom each year within the Bromeliad Tree.  This year, the Bromeliad tree features five different bromeliad varieties. It was constructed with more than 600 Bromeliads by...

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Make it a date at Selby Gardens on Valentine’s Day!

If you have always looked for that reason to visit Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, then Valentine's Day is the perfect time to do it! This year, celebrate your special someone at Selby Gardens with dynamic horticultural displays and Sarasota Bay views, all within...

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Sho Fu Bonsai Society Attains National Recognition

Sho Fu Bonsai Society Attains National Recognition

The Brazilian Rain Tree Forest, a grouping of Rain Trees that are well known for their unique trunk shape and color, has been groomed for success since its 2009 placement at the Selby Gardens’ Bonsai Tree display. The Sho Fu Bonsai Society was determined to share the...

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